Mindflash Learning Management System
Over the course of my time at Mindflash, I completely reshaped the product offering. Mindflash was a Learning Management System that allowed trainers to arrange content into courses, create exams, distribute training to trainees across web and mobile, and then track the results.
In 2016, we shipped a UX overhaul that I spearheaded to resounding success: the redesigned product launched with complaints from existing customers, and our NPS improved signficantly once the first phase of the rollout was finished. To meet the needs of enterprise users, I introduced a more intuitive navigation pattern, contextually displayed metrics, powerful search functionality, configurable grids with bulk actions, and omni-directional user paths.
In addition to the major overhaul, I also designed and shipped new course arrangment and composition tools, redesigned the learner-side experience, and managed a monolith-to-microservices initiative.